By: Luiza Arama
Gaining a college education means having access to an array of courses that might not be required for your specific degree but may be sources for newfound interests. Electives offer students a unique opportunity to explore these interests, and depending on your choices, you can shape your academic experience and career trajectory. Finding a balance between passion and practicality is key to making the most of these opportunities.
Electives are essential because they can enhance your skill set, broaden your perspective, and boost your employability. By having more specialized coursework, you can gain additional knowledge and/or certifications in a field of interest. You can also do this by adding a minor to your degree. By exploring new disciplines, you can consider new paths for which you might be better suited. For example, practical electives such as data analytics, project management, public speaking, or digital marketing can make your resume stand out in a competitive job market.
The electives you pick allow you to take control of the story your transcript conveys regarding academic focus. So, it is important to consider your options. Try identifying your passions. Think about subjects that excite you and motivate you towards creating solutions. If you are curious about certain topics, your college career could be your chance to explore. Determine some general career goals. While this might change in the future, you should research what skills are in demand for your chosen field. Figure out different directions you might be able to take, whether it involves various departments of a company or different firm types. Next, diversify your expertise by gaining an understanding of the different functions expected of you and others you might be working with. For example, a business student might benefit from a class in ethics, philosophy, or cultural studies.
As a student at Baruch College, you can always seek advice by discussing options with classmates, reaching out to a STARR consultant, or other student advisors (for example, at BOSS). You can also benefit from joining clubs and activities on campus where you will reach more students/alumni/guests, learn from their experiences, and explore different opportunities. By balancing what you love with what’s practical, you’ll leave Baruch College with a diverse and dynamic skill set ready for success.