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March MVM: Dilshoda Kurbonova

Divna Burchici

Women in Business would like to congratulate Dilshoda on her win this month! Continue reading for my interview with her.

1. Tell me about yourself.

My name is Dilshoda Kurbonova. Currently, I am a junior majoring in finance with a minor in psychology. I was inducted into W.I.B last semester. I joined both the Marketing and POW committees. This semester, I decided to join the Publications committee as well, so that I can have fun writing again. Writing ten page papers for a class is not exactly fun. In between studying and taking “mini” breaks, I like watching Grey’s Anatomy. Besides binge watching, I also enjoy being outdoors and playing volleyball.

2. What inspired you to join three committees?

When I joined W.I.B, my goal was to get to know all the board members and make friends. I joined the Marketing committee as a Photographer and the POW committee as Head of Raffle Collection. I love photography and taking pictures at our events allows me to improve my photography skills. However, I felt that I needed to take on more responsibility and be more involved. Being in the POW committee, I experienced what it takes and how much work goes into planning a big event. By helping to plan WIBCON and POW, I saw all the pieces of the puzzle come together. By pieces I mean the committees. Everyone played a key role when planning both events. At the day of the events, everyone helped out to make sure it was a successful one. As I mentioned before, being in the Publications committee allows me to enjoy writing again, while also getting to know how the committee operates.

3. What are your plans for the future regarding W.I.B?

For the upcoming year, I want to take on more responsibility and become the VP of a committee.There are so many interesting committees, I am having a hard time choosing between Philanthropy, Alumni Relations and the Publications committee. Going to alumni events helped me see networking in a different way and I received great advice on how to navigate the corporate world after graduation. Going to a food shelter to serve food with the Philanthropy committee was a rewarding experience. I would love to organize events where our W.I.B members can learn from others and be motivated to reach their full potential. While Publications is more behind the scenes, it is still fun to be able to interview MVMs and get to know the members on a deeper level.

4. What advice do you have for new members?

My advice is do not be afraid to talk to the W.I.B members. If you are in the process of being inducted, attending events is not enough. You have to interact and talk with the members in order to get the best experience. They are your most helpful resource. For example, they can tell you which classes are the best or which professors to avoid. They can also be your personal cheerleader. I am blessed to have VPs and friends that encourage me to grow to my full potential. Before W.I.B, I was too shy to socialize and would just go home after class. Now, I am so glad that Divna told me to join W.I.B.

5. What is your favorite memory from W.I.B so far?

There are so many memories that it is hard to pick one. If I had to choose my favorite memory, it would be the SYS: Style Your Success event. Last semester, Andrea and her team organized a great charity fashion show. I had so much fun watching the models and was amazed at how beautiful each of them looked in their outfits. It was like I was at an actual New York fashion show. My favorite segment was the personality segment in which each model showcased their personal side through their outfit. You could tell they were all having a lot of fun. From the energy of the audience, it was evident they were having a blast too.

6. What changes do you hope to see in your committees or in W.I.B next semester?

I would like to see more social events so that everyone can get to know each other better. In the Marketing committee, we have about 23 members and it is definitely hard to get everyone together. However, I think it would be beneficial for everyone if we all got together to help run the committee in a smoother way.

7. What do you think contributed to your win this month?

I did not expect to win the MVM because there are so many people that deserve it as well. I think going to events and being involved in WIB played some part. Attending events allowed others to remember me and showcased my dedication to W.I.B. Also, a lot of committees need photographs of events so they reach out to me. Being reliable and going above what your position requires of you helps to get your name out there. Taking on more responsibility than expected is what I strive for. If you want people to know your name, be in their face! Ask your VP if you can help them in any way, or have a conversation with them or other members in the club room.

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